January 21, 2015

Pennsylvania Alliance for Retired Americans Congratulates Governor Wolf

The Alliance hopes to support policies that put the state’s fiscal house in order while making needed investments in our Commonwealth’s education system and economy

PA Alliance President Wayne Burton released the following statement on the inauguration of Governor Wolf:

“Today the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania welcomed its 47th Governor into office.  The Alliance supported candidate Wolf because we believed that he would be a different kind of leader – one uniquely equipped to deal with our State’s lagging economic performance, crippling budget shortfalls, crumbling infrastructure and faltering public education system. 

“Today Governor Wolf spoke about the challenge facing the middle class. He spoke about leveling the playing field for families and for small businesses in our state through better education, more efficient and effective government, and investments in what our state needs to succeed.  He also spoke about reaching across the aisle as our state moves once again into an era of divided government.  Ultimately, if Governor Wolf is successful, Pennsylvania retirees will enjoy better golden years in stronger communities.

“But more importantly, the next generation of retirees is even more invested in this Governor’s success as they will face greater challenges maintaining a high quality of life in retirement.  The Alliance looks forward to joining Governor Wolf in fighting for a higher minimum wage that will mean more for future retirees in their Social Security benefits, as well as more revenue for the state and less reliance on public assistance by low-income workers. We also look forward to helping Governor Wolf find new revenue for our State that will allow us to invest more in education while easing the burden on seniors paying property taxes.  Finally, we look forward to working with Governor Wolf in addressing the pension system’s unfunded liability in a way that preserves a secure retirement through a defined benefit for state workers while solving the debt problem left by previous Governors and Legislatures. 

“On behalf of the Pennsylvania Alliance for Retired Americans’ members and affiliates, we congratulate Governor Wolf on his historic inauguration today, and pledge our intention to work with him on greater things to come for the citizens of Pennsylvania over the course of his term.”

The Pennsylvania Alliance for Retired Americans, led by President Wayne Burton of West Chester, has over 300,000 members and 150 local affiliates across the Commonwealth.  PARA’s mission is to educate seniors and the public about retiree issues and organize seniors to advocate for their interests in Harrisburg and Washington.  To learn more, visit www.pennretiredamericans.org


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