Silver Tsunami to Bring 25 Million More Medicare Beneficiaries by 2036
January 27, 2016: [caption id="attachment_3359" align="alignnone" width="300"] Cartoon by Graeme MacKay, The Hamilton Spectator[/caption] The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that Medicare enrollment will grow by more than 30 percent over the next ten yea...Read more >
2016 Presidential Primary
January 14, 2016: ...Read more >
End of Life: Medicare Will Cover Discussions
December 08, 2015: A September 2015 Kaiser study showed that 89% of Americans surveyed support the idea that doctors should have end of life discussions with their patients. Further, 81% also believed that Medicare should cover those discussions. When Centers for Me...Read more >
Republicans in U.S. House and Senate Plan Ways to Cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
November 06, 2015: [caption id="attachment_912" align="alignleft" width="150"] Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., center, speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014, after a weekly policy luncheon. From left are, Sen. Roy Blunt...Read more >
PA Alliance Statement on Social Security and Medicare Trustees Reports
July 31, 2015: Current and future retirees can look forward to a secure Social Security and Medicare System West Chester, PA – Wayne Burton, President of the Pennsylvania Alliance for Retired Americans, issued the following statement in response to the Social Se...Read more >
Alliance for Retired Americans Releases Congressional Scorecard for 2014
June 07, 2015: 07A Majority of Pennsylvania Senators and Congressmen receive failing scores on key votes important to the interests of Seniors last year Harrisburg, PA – The Alliance for Retired Americans released its Congressional Voting Record for 2014, scorin...Read more >
Senate Passes Budget that Cuts $5.3 Trillion
May 08, 2015: The Senate voted 51 to 48 on Tuesday to pass the first joint congressional budget plan in six years, ratifying a 10-year blueprint that would cut spending by $5.3 trillion, overhaul Medicaid by turning it into block grants, and repeal President Obama...Read more >
New Data Show Pennsylvania Seniors Saving Money on Rx Drugs and Preventive Services
December 21, 2013: Millions of seniors would pay more for prescriptions and preventive services such as mammograms and annual wellness visits if the Affordable Care Act were repealed This week the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released figures hi...Read more >
Social Security and Medicare Trustees Release Reports
May 31, 2013: The reports contain good news for seniors and contradict critics who claim that the programs are unsustainable The following statement was released by Jean Friday, of Belle Vernon PA, President of the Pennsylvania Alliance for Retired Americans, re...Read more >
Paul Ryan Is At It Again – Proposing Harmful Cuts to Medicare
March 12, 2013: Congressman Ryan ignores the results of the 2012 election and the realities of divided government to propose a budget plan that attacks Medicare The following statement was released by Jean Friday, President of the Pennsylvania Alliance for Retire...Read more >